Monday, June 30, 2008

Excel as Your Database

Excel As Your Database guides those of you who need to manage facts and
figuresyet have little experience, budget, or need for a full-scale
relational database management system. Youll learn how to use Excel to
enter, store, and analyze your data. This book is written and organized
in a way that assumes you have some familiarity with Excel, but not with
databases. The book features quick-start solutions, practice exercises,
troubleshooting tips, and best practices.
- This book covers Excel 2007 and 2003.
- The author clarifies not just how to use a technique, but under what
realistic scenarios.
- The text features step-by-step, how-to procedures.
- Try-it-out exercises are based on realistic sample data.
Download link:
Part 1 |

How to lose weight /Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is an impressively full ebook that gives you a step by step guide to what works and what doesn't in terms of weight loss. This meaty 337-page ebook also helps with advice on muscle toning and fitness, so that after you lose all that excess weight you can have a slim, toned body to be proud of! Written in easy to understand layman's terms, we found this ebook very informative, motivational and a joy to read
Download Link:

Part 1 |

Visual Basic Training

Download Link:

Part 1 |

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Download, burn, install, and crack Vista & Office 2007

This DVD includes:
    Office Access 2007
    Office Enterprise 2007 (Suite)
    Office Excel 2007
    Office Groove 2007
    Office InfoPath 2007
    Office OneNote 2007
    Office Outlook 2007
    Office PowerPoint 2007
    Office Professional Plus 2007 (Suite)
    Office Project Professional 2007
    Office Project Standard 2007
    Office Publisher 2007
    Office SharePoint Designer 2007
    Office Standard 2007 (Suite)
    Office Visio Professional 2007
    Office Visio Standard 2007
    Office Word 2007

Download Link:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Part 36 | Part 37 | Part 38 | Part 39 | Part 40 | Part 41 | Part 42 | Part 43 | Part 44 | Part 45 | Part 46 | Part 47 | Part 48 | Part 49 | Part 50 | Part 51 | Part 52 | Part 53 | Part 54 | Part 55 | Part 56 | Part 57 | Part 58 | Part 59 | Part 60 | Part 61 | Part 62 | Part 63 | Part 64 | Part 65 | Part 66 | Part 67 | Part 68 | Part 69 | Part 70 | Part 71 |

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dreamweaver CS3 Beyond the Basics

Covering diverse topics such as improving workflow and managing CSS styles, Dreamweaver CS3 Beyond the Basics is a hands-on course that teaches users how to move beyond standard, static websites. Instructor James Williamson explores how to increase productivity, interactivity, and accessibility with Dreamweaver. He also discusses how to extend the application's capabilities with XML and XSL. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.

Download Link :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 |

AutoCad 2008

Download Link |

Total Training for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 - Building Web Applications

Total Training for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 - Building Web Applications

Learn how to:
* Learn how to efficiently layout, develop, and maintain standards-based websites that are scalable, secure, and

* Get up to speed quickly with how to develop ASP.NET Web Applications using C# and Visual Studio 2005.
* Take full advantage of the rich set of ASP.NET 2.0 controls and the extensive .NET Framework class library.
* Learn how to create reusable components to encapsulate the UI layout, logic, and data access code in your Web


Freelance developer, consultant, and instructor Andy Olsen has been working with Microsoft and Java-based

technologies for over a decade. With Andy leading the way, you will learn the ropes of ASP.NET in no time.

you'll see how to create great user interfaces using the latest ASP.NET Web controls such as GridViews and

WebParts. you'll also learn how to use the full power of the .NET Framework.

Set 1:
DVD 1 - Getting Started with ASP.NET

Lesson 1: OVERVIEW OF ASP.NET (43 min)
1. Preparing to Use ASP.NET
2. Understanding the Page's HTML Source Code
3. Introducing the ASP Page & its Code
4. Create an ASP.NET Website with Visual Studio
5. Design an ASP.NET Web Page with Visual Studio
6. Running the Web Page & Adding Event Handlers
7. Debugging the Application's Code

1. Introducing the HTML Controls
2. Introducing the Standard Controls
3. Introducing the Data Controls
4. Introducing the Validation Controls
5. Introducing Navigation, WebParts & Crystal Reports
6. Formatting a Page with HTML Controls
7. Adding Options Manually in the Source View
8. Setting the User Interface Properties
9. Invoking the Run As Server Control Function
10. Displaying Information with a Formatted String
11. Designing a Page with Web Controls
12. Changing the Alignment
13. Adding a Calendar Control

Lesson 3: WEB PAGE PROCESSING (69 min)
1. Setting Initial Control Properties in a .ASPX File
2. Programmatic Initialization in the Page_Load Method
3. Adding Buttons, Labels & a Horizontal Rule
4. TimestampLabel & Multiple Selection Listbox
5. Adding Event Handler Methods to Buttons
6. Understanding Viewstate
7. Looking at the Stages of Initialization
8. OnInit, OnPreRender & OnUnload Methods
9. Adding Another Event Handler Method
10. Working with the Command Name Property
11. Looking at the EventDemo User Interface
12. Look at the Initialization Code behind the Web Page
13. Work with the TextChanged Event Handler
14. Handle the SelectedIndexChanged Event
15. Using Auto-Postback Events
16. Viewing the Auto-Postback Source Code

Lesson 4: VALIDATING USER INPUT (51 min)
1. Understanding ASP.NET Validation
2. Specifying Required Fields for the Name Control
3. Specifying the Allowable Range for the Age Control
4. Specifying the Enrollment Date Fields & Range
5. Comparing a Value of a Control with a Fixed Value
6. Compare the Value of One Control to Another Control
7. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Input Patterns
8. Defining Custom Validation Rules
9. Adding an Event Handler to a Button
10. Adding a Validation Summary
11. Organizing Controls into Validation Groups

Lesson 5: NAVIGATING A WEBSITE (65 min)
1. Adding Multiple Pages to a Website
2. Redirecting to a Different Web Page
3. Pass Information between Pages with the QueryString
4. Retreiving QueryString Information in a Web Page
5. Retrieving QueryString Information with Variables
6. Linking Pages by Using Hyperlinks
7. Adding Pages to Use in the Site Map
8. Create a Site Map to Define the Pages in a Web Site
9. Add a SiteMapDataSource Control to a Web Page
10. Displaying a Site Map in a TreeView Control
11. Organizing Parent & Leaf Nodes in a Site Map
12. Reorganize Site Structure into Subdirectories
13. Setting Various NodeStyle Properties of the TreeView
14. Displaying Breadcrumbs in a SiteMapPath Control
15. Displaying a Site Map in a Menu Control
16. Final Comments & Credits

DVD 2 - Creating & Deploying Rich ASP.NET Web Applications

1. Overview of Two .config Files
2. Defining Error Pages for a Website
3. Specifying Connection Strings
4. Defining & Using Application Settings
5. Working with the Website Administration Tool
6. Performing Tracing in a Website
7. Tracing across a Whole Application
8. Adding a .NET Assembly to Support Messaging
9. Adding References to .NET Assemblies
10. Referencing to Custom .NET Assemblies
11. Adding Classes to a Website
12. Creating ASP.NET Web Services
13. Adding a Reference to a Web Service

Lesson 7: DATA BINDING (97 min)
1. Working with Basic Single Value Data Binding
2. Applying Data Binding to Real Life Scenarios
3. Defining & Invoking Your Own Properties & Methods
4. Displaying a Text Box Value & Creating a Hyperlink
5. Using Data Binding to Create a Hyperlink
6. Using Repeated-Value Data Binding to Create Various Lists
7. Checking for PostBack Problems
8. Binding a List Control to a Collection of Objects
9. Defining the Value & Text for a Collection of Objects
10. Working with the TextFormatString Property
11. Explaining Data Source Options
12. Configuring & Binding to a SQLDataSource
13. Looking at the HTML & ASP Markups
14. Understanding How Data Source Controls Work
15. Using the Selected & Selecting Event
16. Creating & Binding to a Second SQLDataSource
17. Disabling View States to Save Space
18. Binding a TreeView Control to an XMLDataSource
19. Setting Up a Tree View Control
20. Adding Attributes to Tree Node Bindings
21. Specify an XPath Expression for an XMLDataSource

Lesson 8: RICH DATA BINDING (102 min)
1. Understanding Rich Data Controls
2. Data Binding with a GridView
3. Binding a DataGrid to a SqlDataSource
4. Setting the DataSource ID in the Smart Tag
5. Formatting Columns with the SmartTag Wizard
6. Enabling the User to Select Rows in a GridView Control
7. Use SelectedIndexChanging to Control User Input
8. Creating Logic Based on a CheckBox
9. Formatting with SelectedIndexChanged
10. Creating Master/Detail Relationships
11. Adding Support for Sorting & Paging
12. Using Templates to Create Customized Columns
13. Implementing Editing & Updating in a GridView
14. Addressing Concurrency Errors
15. Using DetailsView & FormView to Control Display

1. Setting Up to Deploy an ASP.NET Web Application
2. Creating a New Virtual Directory
3. Setting Catalog Properties for the Virtual Directory
4. Adding a Login for the Server
5. Publishing the Website
6. Final Comments & Credits

Set 2:
DVD 1 - Web Page User Interface Design Techniques

1. Looking at the Makeup of the CSS Demo Page
2. Creating a Simple Cascading Style Sheet
3. Defining Rules in a Cascading Style Sheet
4. Applying Cascading Style Sheet Rules Selectively
5. Looking at a Web Application that Uses Rich Controls
6. Creating Simple Themes
7. Creating Multiple Skin Files
8. Handling Conflicts between Themes & Styles
9. Creating Different Themes for Mandatory & Optional Controls
10. Using Themes with Complex ASP.NET Controls
11. Specifying Themes in a Configuration File
12. Using Cascading Style Sheets in a Theme

Lesson 2: DEFINING MASTER PAGES (43 min)
1. Knowing When to Use Master Pages
2. Using Tables inside a Master Page
3. Defining Content Pages
4. Changing the Page Heading
5. Defining Navigation Controls in a Master Page
6. Defining Multiple Content PlaceHolders
7. Creating New Content Pages
8. Editing & Applying Themes to a Master Page
9. Accessing the Master Page Objects
10. Adding a Custom Label to the Master Page

1. Introducing User Controls
2. Adding Content to a User Control
3. Adding User Controls to a Web Page
4. Defining Properties in a User Control
5. Handling Events in a User Control
6. Raising Events in a User Control
7. Accessing the Content of a User Control
8. Encapsulating Functionality
9. Obtaining Summary Information

1. Creating a Simple Server Control
2. Using a Simple Server Control
3. Adding Attributes & Styles to a Server Control
4. Adding a Server Control to the Toolbox
5. Creating Server Controls in a Web Control Library
6. Adding Code to Represent a Styled Link Control
7. Adding Properties to a Server Control
8. Rendering Browser Specific HTML
9. Raising Events in a Server Control
10. Raising Events in a Server Control, Continued
11. Handling Server Control Events

1. Defining a Composite Control
2. Creating Child Controls in a Composite Control
3. Raising Events in a Composite Control
4. Using a Composite Control
5. Extending a Control
6. Rendering with a Regular Expression
7. Using the New Control

Lesson 6: CREATING PORTALS (41:09 min)
1. Introducing Portals
2. Creating Portals
3. Defining a WebPartManager & WebPartZones
4. Adding WebParts to a Portal
5. Adding User Controls to a Portal
6. Modifying User Controls in a Portal
7. Selecting Modes in a Portal
8. Adding Catalog Support to a Portal

1. Accessing WebParts
2. Setting WebPart Properties
3. Providing Help for a WebPart
4. Creating & Configuring a Custom WebPart
5. Using a Custom WebPart
6. Final Comments & Credits

DVD 2 - Web Page Implementation Techniques

Lesson 8: MANAGING VIEW STATE (55 min)
1. Examining View State
2. Decoding the View State
3. Storing Data in Local Variables
4. Storing Data in View State
5. Retrieving Data from View State
6. Using Loops to Locate Text & Storing in View State
7. Populating the Text Box from View State
8. Storing Custom Objects in View State
9. Securing View State Using the Always Encryption Mode
10. Securing View State Using the Auto Encryption Mode

1. Looking at CatalogSite & Introducing Query String
2. Using the Query String Robustly
3. Introducing Cookies & Creating a Log In Page
4. Setting a Default Page to Detect Cookies
5. Specifying an Expire Time on a Cookie
6. Introducing Session State
7. Implementing Session State in the Application
8. Storing Custom Objects in Session State
9. Storing Collections in Session State
10. Configuring Session State in a Web Application

1. Using ADO.NET in a Web Application
2. Understanding ADO.NET Programming
3. Connecting to a Database
4. Opening Connections
5. Executing Simple Commands
6. Specifying Text & Connections
7. Executing Non-Query Commands
8. Calling Stored Procedures
9. Executing Queries
10. Manually Using the Data Reader

Lesson 11: GOING FURTHER WITH ADO.NET (78 min)
1. Overview of the Sample Application
2. Configuring Object Data Sources
3. Handling a Selection Event in GridView
4. "Handling Update, Cancel & Delete Events"
5. Handling an Insert Event in DetailsView
6. Creating a DataSet
7. Using a DataSet
8. Editing Data in a DataSet
9. Working with DataViews
10. Creating DataSets with Multiple Tables
11. Using DataSets with Multiple Tables

1. Looking at Concepts of Output Caching
2. Varying Output Caching by Query String
3. Configuring Output Caching
4. Managing Cache Information across a Website
5. Substituting Content into a Cached Page
6. Using Data Caching
7. Testing the Data Cache

1. Creating Resources
2. Using Resources
3. Creating & Using Page-Specific Resources
4. Defining Localization for User Controls
5. Supporting Localization in Custom Controls
6. Creating & Using Localized Resources
7. Generating Localized Content

1. Using Forms Authentication
2. Defining the Authentication Form
3. Using a Membership Data Store
4. Configuring Authentication Properties
5. Granting Access to a Specific User
6. Final Comments & Credits

Download link :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Part 36 | Part 37 | Part 38 | Part 39 | Part 40 | Part 41 | Part 42 |


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